Friday 31 December 2010


Right then folks, first of all god knows how many blog posts are going to be put on 'blogger' about the new year, ah well I'll join the bandwagon and add one too :)

First of all a reflection on this year....
Started well-ish had my maths exams over with and got an A in GCSE as well as my 16th Birthday which was alright I think.... Then the end of school, plenty of exams which I managed to get through quite well (god knows how) and then Prom which proved to be the best evening of my life (partly because it was a sad farewell and a good reflection of 5 years at bradon also because virtually everyone was there which was good) then after all this a huge summer full of randomness, although I regret not doing as much or achieving as much as I could of. Ah well, it was good. 

Then college started....
Met loads of new people yeah, good, then did some homeworks and tests and starting getting E's... The subjects I've taken are proven quite difficult and academically I can't keep up, need to revise more, but soon as the new year starts I can get re-focused and back in business. Forget how hard it may have been, this is no longer GCSE it's A-Levels! if I want to get to Uni to do automotive engineering then I have to do well. This year has been one of my best, partly because I've realised who I am, I've become much more confident and changed my style which was rather crap.

Next year i have a few plans, get things finalised and sorted before another problem arises, that's my main new years resolution, another would be to get active and train because i want to join a football team in the summer because I enjoy it, more than I have ever enjoyed it, i think it's overtaking cars - that's how much I enjoy it *scary face*, but it's ok you ARE allowed to have two things to like in terms of interests and hobbies. Got a car which is a good start and I will enjoy learning to drive once I'm 17. 
My Car - not the actual one but virtually the same 

OK, just realised the last paragraph really didn't make much sense so my New Years Resolutions are:
1. Get a Job.
2. Get Healthier and more active
3. Be in a relationship
4. Learn To Drive and get ma licence
5. Get a plan to fit everything in, sort out time issues, don't waste any time on anything.

There you go.
Have a wonderful New Year everyone! 2011 is awaiting!


Thursday 23 December 2010

Life as it stands.

Oh Hello Everyone,

McLaren MP4-12C - I want it! 
Just an update really, wondering what life brings ahead to me (if that even makes sense). But seriously, I have been thinking of the 4 major things in life at this moment, they are: Driving, I'll be driving soon - saving like hell to ensure I do that asap as it has been what I've always wanted. The other is Relationships, I really don't know what to do :/ if anyone can help? please!? many thanks. Also a job, I'm happy that I have a job now, but it's not for long so I have to jump on the bandwagon and search for a job (again). Finally it's exams - these dreaded A-Levels which I wasn't prepared for the difficulty of. sad-face. Just trying to get revision in as much as I can and hopefully it will be good when I get my results back in March or whenever it is. They then follow by this stupid University problem, like what to do??! considering Automotive Engineering as that will help in terms of the career I wan't to get into (Test Driver for a major car company), I feel I have all the right attitudes to do this chosen the right subjects in college bar geography but I enjoy it (I think) might drop it soon however.

Yeah it's Christmas soon, as stated in my previous post but oh well. 2 FRIKKIN' DAYS. OK I'm not that excited but I don't know what I'm getting so it should be exciting. Just a little question, what is the best aspect of Christmas for you? whether it be the family get-to-gather, the music, the food or maybe just the presents! :D

Just like to thank whoever's reading this as I have no idea who some of my 'friends' are any more, I've never been the same since we left bradon, it's all become overwhelming.

Merry Christmas

Monday 13 December 2010

tis the season to be jolly

Just a quick one, had an awesome day today, only 2 hours of lessons! 

Basically had a maths mock this morning that took an hour and a half and then nommed some lunch (the refectory's own Sausages, Chips and Beans), had my daily pint of milk which is what I always buy at the college's refectory which was pretty cool, alienated some more people due to my weirdness; Did a small amount of work and then had the rest of the afternoon in Cirencester where I came across 'grate rape' and Justin Beibers 2011 annual which a certain someone found interesting ;) (Not me.). Erm yeah life atm is pretty good, start my first shift tomorrow at asda which I have no idea how I’m going to cope as Tuesday is by far my busiest day at college, 5 hours of lessons and tutor (the most pointless thing under the sun)... oh joy, but its Christmas unbelievably, even if I haven’t seen the coca cola advert yet or have no decorations up in the house! Ah well.

Hope you've enjoyed reading this cos I have nothing else to do (revision cough revision....)

Here, have a pic of a hedge at Bradon. 

Have a good week 
All for now 

Saturday 11 December 2010

this is the start of something

Hello again peoples,
tis I!

First of all I would like to wish everyone a very merry Christmas an' all! (although me not feeling the Christmas spirit yet myself I don’t actually care - IT'S DECEMBER!) this week has been interesting to say the least.
Firstly I am employed! I have my first EVER job! :D so happy because of this right now and working (only temporary) at ASDA has really opened the floodgates and will help me gain the relevant experience to go further in life! met some pretty awesome people today, 3 of which go to Cirencester college! they have been right under my nose all this time and I didn’t even know it.

Hopefully everyone's having a swell life atm with all the University fees rising over the past week some say 'it's tough times' but others (like me) don't care as much, I’ll deal with the problem when it arises. Just today I had a chat with these new people about college and I guess straight away that the guy I was talking to failed the first year of maths and taking it again in the second haha, typical, at least I’m not the only one finding it virtually impossible! along with all of my other subjects (apart from computing, that doesn't count) but the future is there to be decided now. I really don't know what to do in terms of college subjects. Basically act now, or I’m screwed.

Well that is the end of the first of these new blogs I will add weekly (hopefully, if I gets the times)...

Have a great week whoever the f*** reads this